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The real hangover tablet candy, no longer worry about being drunk

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-02-01 16:56:14  Views:0

It's a mistake to drink

but it protects us

Everyone knows that in Japanese workplace culture, it is very popular to go to izakaya to drink after get off work. And on the second day, they have to go to work on time, so many people will have a tablet candy before drinking.

This habit has slowly spread to China in the past two years.

And I like to drink alcohol, but I often have a splitting headache after drinking it, which is very uncomfortable, so I tried this tablet candy on the recommendation of a friend, and it is really good.

Now, when I go out to socialize, I always eat one before the start.


We all know that too much alcohol is not good.

Because after alcohol enters the digestive tract, in addition to causing intestinal dysfunction and vomiting, it can also burn the stomach and cause a series of gastrointestinal problems.

About 90% of the alcohol we drink is metabolized in the liver.

Even if you are not drunk, alcohol can damage your liver if you drink in excess over a long period of time.

Being drunk can cause physical and mental harm. Alcohol spreads to the brain. In addition to dizziness, unsteady walking, and talking nonsense, what's more terrible is the damage to neurons.

After drinking to this level, I suggest that everyone must control it.

I know that people who drink just want to drink well. Therefore, some people choose to induce vomiting to hangover after being drunk, which is even worse for the body and is not recommended.

The recommended drinker tablet candy is different. It does not induce vomiting, but makes people drink more easily and smoothly.

So it is especially suitable for people like me who can't drink or often need to drink and socialize!

In the past, many people looked for purchasing agents. The first-generation products cost 64 yuan a bag in Japan, and purchasing agents cost about 90 yuan.

We found the agent of the brand in China. Two boxes only cost 89 yuan, which is equivalent to the purchase price of buying 1 get 1 free.

And I also won the activity of "five boxes and ten boxes" for everyone, which is really a bargain! I've stocked up on several packs myself.

The upgraded version of "Jiuyou Tablet Candy" has added two gold elements, ginseng and milk thistle seed oil, on the basis of the previous generation. It is even more worthwhile if you increase the quantity without increasing the price!


Super concentrated corn oligopeptide

With it, there is no fear of drinking

Alcoholic Tablet Candy uses recognized metabolic decomposition gold powder - 200 Dalton corn oligomeric small molecular peptides, and is added to it after concentration.

Don't underestimate this golden yellow powder, its price is as expensive as gold.

Also because of the high price, many similar tablet candies will only be added in small amounts. And each slice of Drinking Friends contains about 85% corn oligopeptides!

Corn oligomeric small molecular peptides have a strong catabolic ability, which can stimulate the decomposing enzymes in the liver to play a role.

More importantly, corn oligopeptides must be less than 1000 Daltons in order to be absorbed by the human body and the intestines, otherwise it is equivalent to never eating!

This kind of extraction technology, most brands can't do it!

The intestinal absorption rate of 00 Dalton corn oligomeric small molecule peptide can reach about 94.5%.

After eating it for a while, it starts to work in the liver, allowing you to gallop in the wine field.

Autumn turmeric forms a protective film against alcohol; purple turmeric prolongs autumn turmeric's protection for hours; white and spring turmeric repel trash.

The four kinds of turmeric play their own roles, and they can handle more entertainment.

Moreover, almost all of the wine-friendly candies are made of food-grade ingredients, which will not cause other burdens on the body.

According to official laboratory statistics:

Under the action of several components, ethanol can be largely disintegrated by enzymes, showing a sharp downward trend.

*Experimental results are for reference only

People like me who get red on the face when I drink, and who get dizzy and chill when drunk, will take a pill in advance every time they drink.

The taste is a little bit bitter, and those who are afraid of bitterness can swallow it, but I feel more useful when chewing.

On the second day, there was no headache, nor did I feel drunk, dizzy, or chills.


New gold ingredient

Comprehensive metabolic maintenance

The upgraded version of Drinking Friends Tablet Candy recommended to everyone today has added a golden ingredient: ginseng.

Ginseng has always been highly praised in traditional Chinese medicine, and its usefulness has always been recorded in ancient books.

"Compendium of Materia Medica Supplements": Ginseng tastes bitter and slightly sweet, its nature nourishes the middle and the surface, it can promote stomach fluid, ingest it after drunk, it is the first to wake up.

In addition, the peptides and amino acids in ginseng can enhance the activity of various metabolic enzymes in the liver, promote the synthesis of active protein in the liver, and build a biochemical basis for the recovery of liver tissue and the enhancement of function.

Improve the activity of the liver, which has a protective and recovery effect on the damage caused by excessive drinking.

The upgraded version of Jiuyou compressed tablet candy can be said to have an extra layer of protection, which is really worth it.

The addition of another important ingredient, milk thistle, is also very important for the maintenance of the liver!

Milk thistle is an herb that has been used in Europe for thousands of years.

The original milk thistle seed oil is recognized as one of the best seed oils in the world, containing linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids.

Milk thistle seed oil can also supplement the human body with various vitamins and minerals, vitamin E, zinc and selenium.

The silymarin in it has the benefit of accelerating catabolism.

Accelerate the metabolism of alcohol out of the body, buffer alcohol damage to the liver, relieve nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms caused by drunkenness, sober up and prevent hangovers.

After having the upgraded version of Drinking Friends, you no longer have to worry about being fed a lot of discomfort at the reception, just take 1 capsule before drinking each time according to the instructions.

Whether it's a small gathering or a big one, drinking buddies are already in my bag.


A brand recognized by the Japanese people

Japan has a lot of demand for drinking, and this concept also comes from Japan.

The drinker recommended today is a brand of Japan Youzhi Food Co., Ltd.

Since its establishment in 1988, it has a brand history of 30 years and has a high degree of nationality and recognition in Japan!

It can be said that it fully witnessed the prevalence of Japanese sake culture.

Be sure to remember to eat half an hour before drinking, and let it help you gallop in the wine market.

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