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Processing with supplied materials or contracting labor and materials, have you chosen the right OEM cooperation mode for health care products

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-06-21 14:05:57

The health care product processing industry is a food processing factory specializing in the OEM of tablets and granule powders. Usually, the cooperation is based on the ODM contracting labor and material mode, and not all manufacturers accept processing with supplied materials. If you meet an OEM manufacturer that can accept both modes, how should you choose?


OEM cooperation mode of health care products processing

Processing of supplied materials: From the perspective of the foundry, the investor (principal) who seeks cooperation with the factory provides some or all of the main raw materials and packaging materials required for production. From the perspective of customers, it means that they have raw materials and find factories to process products on behalf of them.

Contract labor and materials: Health care product manufacturers provide all the main materials, auxiliary materials and internal and external packaging materials required for the processing and production of compressed candies, solid beverages, capsules or oral liquids. Investors only need to place an order.


Advantages and disadvantages of OEM cooperation mode of health care products

Processing of supplied materials: The cost of self-grown or farmed food with the same origin as medicine and food, or self-collected production raw materials is in my own hands, and the cost is controllable. However, for OEM companies, there is no comprehensive control over the source of products, and the quality of raw materials can only be screened through supplier qualifications or third-party inspection reports. This is also one of the reasons why some enterprises do not accept processing with supplied materials.

Contract labor and materials: The health care product processing factory can achieve the whole process of quality control from the source to the finished product. Investors, having lost the ability to control costs, obeyed manufacturers' quotations. Some factories also support customers to choose raw material suppliers to negotiate prices by themselves in order to dispel customers' concerns about OEM manufacturers' price increases, and there is a mode of purchasing by processing factories.

OEM processing of health care products. In Shanghai, Tianjin, Hunan and other places, most factories only accept ODM large-scale production. However, many food manufacturers in Shandong, Henan and other places can accept two cooperation modes: formal processing with supplied materials and contracting labor and materials. This situation is not only due to unilateral factors of the factory, but also has a certain relationship with the local industry environment to a large extent.


Selection of cooperation mode for OEM processing of health care products

1. Effectively combine your own supply capacity in terms of materials. Once it exceeds the scope of your own capabilities, it is the best policy to choose the cooperative production of OEM enterprises with labor and materials. Otherwise, all kinds of qualification collection, raw material preprocessing, packaging design review and MOQ processing will make your scalp tingle. Not to mention product quality, even the basic production cycle may not be controllable.

2. You do have superior resources for material supply, you can choose to bring your own raw materials or packaging. Be sure to consult the acceptance standards and related precautions of the health care product processing factory. Raw materials should not be mixed by themselves, and packaging needs to be processed after review. This is the basic process.


Processing with supplied materials, contracting labor and materials, are all OEM cooperation models in which health care product processing companies provide investors with regular medicine and food products of the same origin. How to choose mainly depends on the resources of the customer itself. The OEM provides complementary OEM customization services based on the customer's advantages, so as to complete the entrusted processing of food and beverages such as tablets, granule powders, capsules, and ointments.

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