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Resistance-enhancing Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets OEM

Resistance-enhancing Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets OEM

Time:2024-02-18 10:51:09


Type: Tablets

Main Ingredient:Vitamin C

Main Function:1. prevent scurvy. 2. Prevent gum recession and bleeding gums. 3. It can scavenge free radicals and has good anti-oxidative and anti-aging effects. 4.Promotes iron absorption and prevents anemia. 5.Improve human immunity. 6.Promote collagen production and reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

Package Design:It can be customized

For the crowd:|Teenagers| Children|

Price:A large number of customizable ones can be more favorable

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There is enough vitamin c in food, why should you add vitamin c

1.cannot be synthesized

Since the human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, it must be supplemented by external sources. If the daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits is low, it is likely to lead to insufficient intake of vitamins.

2.easy to lose

Vitamin C is unstable in air, light, high temperature and alkaline environment, so vitamin C in fruits and vegetables may be lost during storage and cooking.

3.difficult to store

As a water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C will be lost through sweating in the high temperature environment and exercise state, so it needs to be supplemented every day.

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