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What are the types of Tablet Supplement Manufacturing

Author:zhangxia  Release time:2024-06-13 13:42:10

Among the various forms of supplements available, tablets are particularly popular due to their convenience, stability, and ease of dosage. Tablets can be manufactured in several forms to cater to different consumer preferences and medical needs. The four main types of tablet supplements are swallowable tablets, chewable tablets, buccal tablets, and effervescent tablets. Each type has unique characteristics, advantages, and considerations that make them suitable for different applications.


Swallowable Tablets

Swallowable tablets, also known as conventional tablets, are perhaps the most common form of supplement. These tablets are designed to be swallowed whole with water. They are typically coated to improve taste, ease of swallowing, and protect the active ingredients from stomach acid. The manufacturing process involves compressing powdered active ingredients and excipients into a solid, uniform shape.


1. Stability and Shelf Life: Swallowable tablets generally have a longer shelf life compared to other forms due to their solid, stable structure.

2. Precise Dosage: Each tablet contains a precise amount of active ingredients, ensuring consistent dosing.

3. Ease of Production: The production process is relatively straightforward and cost-effective.


1. Swallowing Difficulties: Some individuals, particularly children and the elderly, may have difficulty swallowing tablets.

2. Absorption Time: The active ingredients need to dissolve in the stomach before absorption, which can delay the onset of action.

Chewable Tablets

Chewable tablets are designed to be chewed before swallowing. They are often flavored to make them more palatable, especially for children. The manufacturing process involves the use of binders and flavors to create a tablet that can be easily chewed and swallowed.


1. Ease of Consumption: Chewable tablets are easier to consume for individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills.

2. Faster Absorption: Chewing breaks down the tablet, which can speed up the release and absorption of the active ingredients.

3. Appealing to Children: The flavored nature makes them more appealing and acceptable to children.


1. Taste and Texture: The taste and texture must be carefully formulated to be pleasant and not gritty.

2. Stability: Chewable tablets may have a shorter shelf life compared to swallowable tablets due to their formulation.


Buccal Tablets

Buccal tablets are designed to dissolve when placed between the gum and cheek, allowing the active ingredients to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth. This method bypasses the digestive system, leading to faster absorption.


1. Rapid Absorption: Direct absorption through the oral mucosa allows for quicker onset of action.

2. Bypassing the Digestive System: This can be beneficial for active ingredients that are degraded by stomach acid or have poor bioavailability when taken orally.

3. Convenient for Nauseous Patients: Ideal for individuals who have difficulty swallowing or are prone to nausea.


1. Formulation Complexity: The manufacturing process can be more complex and expensive.

2. Taste: The taste must be managed carefully, as the tablet dissolves in the mouth.

Effervescent Tablets

Effervescent tablets are designed to dissolve in water, producing a fizzy solution. This type of tablet often contains acids and bicarbonates, which react with water to release carbon dioxide gas, creating effervescence.


1. Enhanced Absorption: The dissolved active ingredients can be absorbed more quickly and efficiently.

2. Hydration Benefit: Consuming the supplement as a drink can help with hydration.


1. Storage: Effervescent tablets require airtight packaging to prevent premature reaction with moisture.

2. Cost: They can be more expensive to produce due to the specialized ingredients and packaging.


The above are four types of tablet supplements manufactured to meet the needs and preferences of different consumers. Swallowing tablets are the most common due to their stability and ease of production. Chewable tablets provide another option for those with swallowing difficulties, especially children, and facilitate faster absorption. Dissolving tablets bypass the digestive system, absorbing more quickly, which is suitable for ingredients sensitive to stomach acid. Effervescent tablets offer a comfortable, efficient method of supplement consumption, while also replenishing fluids. Each type of tablet supplement has its own advantages and considerations. Supplement retailers can customize products according to specific market demands, thereby enhancing consumer compliance with supplements.

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