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Vitamin C effervescent tablets manufacturing process

Author:zhangxia  Release time:2024-07-03 14:14:39

Effervescent tablets are a popular dosage form for Vitamin C due to their rapid dissolution in water, which provides a quick and enjoyable way for consumers to intake the vitamin. This article will explore the Vitamin C Effervescent Tablet manufacturing process including product benefits, ingredients, granulation, compression, drying, quality control and packaging.



Benefits of Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets

 Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is essential for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It plays a role in various bodily functions, including collagen formation, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Effervescent tablets offer several advantages over traditional tablet forms, including:

1. Enhanced Absorption: The effervescent form allows for better dissolution and absorption of Vitamin C in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Convenience: They are easy to consume, especially for those who have difficulty swallowing pills.

3. Palatability: Effervescent tablets often have a pleasant taste, making them more appealing to consumers.

4. Stability: The effervescent form can be more stable and provide a longer shelf life for Vitamin C compared to some other forms.



Preparation of Ingredients

The manufacturing process begins with the careful selection and preparation of ingredients. The primary ingredient is ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and it is combined with other components necessary for the effervescent reaction and tablet formation. These ingredients typically include:

1. Acids: Citric acid and tartaric acid are commonly used to create the effervescent effect.

2. Bases: Sodium bicarbonate is used to react with the acids and produce carbon dioxide gas, which causes the effervescent action.

3. Binders and Fillers: Substances such as mannitol, lactose, or sorbitol are used to provide bulk and assist in tablet formation.

4. Flavoring Agents: To enhance taste, flavoring agents like orange or lemon flavors are added.

5. Sweeteners: Artificial or natural sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose are included to improve palatability.

6. Lubricants: Magnesium stearate or similar compounds are added to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the manufacturing equipment.


Granulation is a crucial step in the production of effervescent tablets. It involves combining the dry ingredients with a granulating fluid to form granules. There are two main methods of granulation: wet granulation and dry granulation.

1. Wet Granulation: In this method, a liquid binder is added to the powder mixture, causing the particles to adhere to each other and form granules. The mixture is then dried to remove excess moisture.

2. Dry Granulation: This method involves compressing the powder mixture into large tablets or slugs, which are then broken down into granules.


Once the granulation process is complete, the granules are compressed into tablets using a tablet press machine. The machine applies high pressure to the granules, forming them into uniform tablets. Several parameters are carefully controlled during this process, including the compression force, tablet weight, and tablet thickness. This step is critical as it ensures that each tablet contains the correct dosage of Vitamin C and other ingredients.


After tableting, the effervescent tablets undergo a drying process to remove any remaining moisture. This step is essential to prevent the premature reaction of the effervescent components and to ensure the stability of the final product. Drying is typically performed in a controlled environment to achieve the desired moisture content.

Quality Control

Quality control is a vital part of the manufacturing process to ensure that the effervescent tablets meet all regulatory and safety standards. Several tests are conducted at different stages of production, including:

1. Uniformity of Weight: Ensuring that each tablet is of consistent weight.

2. Disintegration Time: Testing how quickly the tablets dissolve in water.

3. Assay of Active Ingredients: Confirming the correct dosage of Vitamin C and other active ingredients.

4. Microbial Testing: Ensuring that the tablets are free from harmful microorganisms.

5. Stability Testing: Checking the stability of the tablets under various conditions to ensure a long shelf life.


The final step in the manufacturing process is packaging. Effervescent tablets are highly sensitive to moisture, so they are typically packaged in moisture-resistant containers, such as aluminum tubes or blister packs with desiccants. The packaging process includes the following steps:

1. Filling: The tablets are carefully counted and filled into the packaging containers.

2. Sealing: The containers are sealed to protect the tablets from moisture and contamination.

3. Labeling: Each package is labeled with important information, including the product name, dosage instructions, expiration date, and batch number.

4. Inspection: A final inspection is conducted to ensure that the packaging is intact and that all labeling is accurate.

Vitamin C effervescent tablets manufacturing process involves multiple stages of preparation, granulation, tabletting, drying, quality control and packaging. Each step is critical to ensure the production of high-quality tablets that are safe, effective, and enjoyable for consumers. By adhering to strict quality standards and employing advanced manufacturing techniques, supplement manufacturers can deliver Vitamin C effervescent tablets that meet the needs of health-conscious consumers worldwide.

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