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Production process diagram for vitamin B supplement OEM manufacturing

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-11-16 15:03:54

B vitamins are rich in daily diet, such as meat, eggs, milk, fish, beans, vegetables, etc. It contains vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Vitamin B participates in human biological metabolism and is indispensable. Lack of VB can cause anemia, hair loss, oral problems and other adverse conditions. Therefore, children, the elderly, young men and women cannot lack VB. Vitamin B supplements are convenient, quick and popular among the public. This article will explain "What is the production process diagram for OEM manufacturing of vitamin B supplements?"

As shown in the figure below, the vitamin B OEM production process flow chart includes 11 steps such as crushing and sieving. Let’s explain it below:


1. Raw material procurement and inspection

Choose raw and auxiliary materials that meet relevant quality standards and production requirements, such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, magnesium stearate, etc.

2. Crush and sieve

Crush coarse raw materials. After the crushing is completed, the raw and auxiliary materials are sieved separately according to production requirements, such as passing through a 20-mesh sieve.

3.Weigh the ingredients

Accurately weigh the materials according to production requirements, put them into the mixer according to proportion and measurement, and mix them evenly.

4. Granulation

The mixed materials are made into granules through a granulator for tableting.


5. Dry whole grains

Put the prepared granular materials into drying equipment for drying treatment. After drying, put the materials into basins or bags and transport them to the tableting workshop.

6. Total mixed tableting

In order to form tablets, magnesium stearate needs to be added to the material. The material is then put into the tablet press for tableting.


7.Quality inspection

Pressed vitamin B tablets are randomly selected for quality inspection to ensure that they meet standards and customer requirements.

8. Packaging and storage

Pack the qualified vitamin B tablets by pressing, bottling, bagging, cartoning, etc., print the production date, shelf life and other necessary information on the designated location of the product and add instructions. Finally, the finished products are packed into boxes, inspected again and put into storage to await shipment.


After the customer settles the final payment, the product will be shipped, and the processing of vitamin B tablets will be completed.

The above process will be appropriately adjusted according to the actual production situation. In addition, the processes of different supplement manufacturers and OEMs will also be slightly different.

The above is the answer to "What is the production process diagram for OEM manufacturing of vitamin B supplements?" If you are interested in this vitamin B tablet suitable for most people, including men, women, old and young, please leave a message or call us for consultation. Pesicon Holdings is a professional and top-level vitamin supplement manufacturer, and we will provide you with professional and personalized service solutions. .

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