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How about doing supplements hair growth business?

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-10-25 17:02:44

As people's lives become more and more stressful, especially among young people, along with various health problems, our hair has become worse. The number of people with thinning hair and even baldness is also expanding, according to a Google search survey, and hair The number of growth-related searches reaches more than 100,000 per month, which shows that people are paying more and more attention to their hair.

If you want to develop a business of hair growth supplements, you should think about it carefully.

hair growth keywords-pesicon

Can you start a business of supplements that promote hair growth? Is it easy to do? 

As a supplement manufacturer with many years of experience, Pesicon can answer your questions.

First of all, we need to understand whether supplements that promote hair growth are effective. Can they quickly promote hair growth?

The answer is uncertain. We all know that supplements play an important role in maintaining nutritional balance in the body. Its biggest role is to supplement the nutrients needed by the human body and prevent or reduce problems in the body. If it is used for hair The same goes for growth. Why do hair thinning and hair loss occur? That's because our hair lacks nutrients. You may argue that life is stressful, so what will be the result of stressful life? If you don't eat well, your nutrition won't keep up. In the final analysis, our hair is sick and lacks nutrients; or returning to the topic just now, can our existing supplements promote hair growth? Take vitamins, for example. "While hair growth vitamins may help improve overall hair health," says board-certified dermatologist Marisa Garsik, MD, "there's not enough evidence to support their efficacy for hair growth." .” And supplements and vitamins are not regulated by the FDA, which means our brands can say and do whatever they want and add any combination of ingredients they want into the formula.

But because hair conditioners are not backed by government-approved data, the research surrounding them is either non-existent or highly questionable. "Many of the studies you find supporting hair supplements are actually funded by the brands themselves," says dermatologist Dhaval G. Bhanusali, MD. Dr. Bhanusali, who specializes in hair loss, says, "The literature is sketchy at best, and most dermatologists agree that the effects of supplements are unimpressive." Instead, your best bet is to talk to your doctor (Seriously, their 10+ years of education make them pretty smart in the hair growth department), or try some supplements.

hair growth work-pesicon

Therefore, to put it bluntly, existing supplements lack data support and have certain risks. So should we try it? Should we produce supplements that promote hair growth? This market has great potential. The current Supplements for hair growth are also being sold, should we continue? For this question, we still need to understand which supplements are beneficial to hair growth.

1. Vitamins

Typically, hair growth vitamins, gummies, and supplements contain a blend of "hair-friendly" ingredients like biotin; folic acid; vitamins D, A, C, and E; all of which are said to work together to keep your hair growing in just a few seconds. Look longer, healthier, shinier, and stronger in a few months.

Do vitamins really work for hair growth?

Vitamins and supplements are not FDA-approved, which means there are no universal standards for ingredients, strength, or formulation. So this means there will never be an official yes or no answer to whether vitamins are actually effective for hair growth. But if you ask the experts — or me, who was left with nothing but pimples after trying them for two months — the answer is almost a blanket no as to whether hair vitamins actually work.

Plus, while the vitamins themselves are absolutely necessary and beneficial for your hair, they won't do much good if your body already has a reserve of them (which it probably already is). “Most people get all the vitamins they need to control hair growth through diet alone,” says trichologist Dominic Burg, chief scientist at Evolis Professional.

Unfortunately, there's no clear answer as to whether biotin actually helps hair growth, and every dermatologist we spoke to was skeptical. According to dermatologist Vivian Bucay, MD, if you take a separate biotin supplement, you'll need to take at least 5 milligrams per day to have any chance of affecting hair growth, but even then there's no guarantee it will do anything, she explain.

Which vitamin does our hair need?

If your doctor confirms that you are deficient, certain vitamins may help hair growth. "Some research and anecdotal evidence supports the idea that low vitamin D levels can hinder hair growth, and many people tend to have low vitamin D levels, even if they are otherwise healthy," says Dr. Bhanusali. The same goes for low iron levels. “Many dermatologists get good results by prescribing iron supplements and vitamin D supplements to their patients,” he says, “but always talk to your doctor before taking any medications.”

If our hair is not deficient in vitamins, then the role of vitamins is almost negligible.

2. Steroids

If your hair loss is rapid (i.e., you lose a lot of hair suddenly) rather than gradually, there's usually an underlying cause that should be addressed by a doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible (whether it's stress, hormones, deficiency, inflammation, or disease). Topical steroids or steroid injections are often used as a short-term fix to help control shedding.

3. Spironolactone

Yes, amazing acne pills can help with hair growth too. "Oral spironolactone is a prescription blood pressure medication that helps block androgens (male sex hormones) in women, which over time helps promote hair growth," says Dr. Bhanusali. Another added benefit? "Many patients find that their breakouts disappear and their hair becomes less greasy," he says.

Of course there are minoxidil, PRP therapy (platelet rich plasma therapy), scalp medication, etc. These are not real supplements. What we are going to discuss now is the effect of supplements on hair growth. These are not what we are talking about. scope of consideration.

When we found out that some supplements can indeed promote hair growth, even though there is not enough data, we can continue to do so. We could talk to supplement manufacturers to produce supplements that promote hair growth according to our requirements. This may be feasible, after all, these supplements are also good for our bodies.

What are the risks of being in the business of hair growth supplements?

1. It is not regulated by the FDA, which means that we know nothing about the nutritional content and dosage of supplements. We can only evaluate them by referring to our peers or based on the years of experience of authoritative doctors. If we have our own R&D team Even better, we can create our unique formula and test it. Although the cycle is a bit long, the effect is the best and we have minimized the risk.

2. Consumers don’t buy it

Many customers with hair problems first think of a doctor, and then rely on the doctor's advice whether to go for treatment instead of directly buying related supplements. This is not good news for companies developing the hair market, so we need to Bear the risk that the product produced will not be accepted.

To sum up, if you want to do a good job in hair growth supplement business, you must consider everything carefully. It is not just a matter of cooperating with a reliable supplement manufacturer. The most important thing is whether the company can rely on this supplement to survive and develop. Go down and wish us all good luck!

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