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Tablets, powders, granules, how to position the dosage forms of OEM health care supplements

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-06-21 14:06:43

Tablets, powders, granules, how to position the dosage forms of OEM health care products?

Solid tablets, powders, granules, liquid oral solutions, and other ointment products are all types of commodities in the health industry. Due to the intervention of professional food OEM enterprises, the same formula and raw materials can be freely switched between a variety of different forms of products, providing investors with flexible choices. So, how to position the dosage form of health care products processing products?


OEM of powder health care supplements

Dosage Form Positioning Analysis of Health Products OEM Factory

1. Eating experience: Different from medicines, health care products need a good taste foundation, at least not to make people feel conflicted because of its taste. This point has many similarities with ordinary food. Through reasonable selection of dosage forms, whether to give full play to its superior taste or avoid bad eating experience requires OEM manufacturers to give a plan based on the original formula, and investors also need to have a positioning for the direction of custom-made products.

2. Market competition: Products in different dosage forms such as tablets, powders, and granules are different in terms of main ingredient content, absorption and utilization, and component loss. The foundry will give a dosage form suggestion based on the composition of the formula, the type of raw materials used, the manufacturing process of the dosage form, and the popularity of similar products in the market, so as to ensure the superiority of the quality of the health care product, so that it has an advantageous market competitiveness.

3. Differentiation: In the sales market of nourishing and nutritious products based on traditional Chinese medicine with the same source of medicine and food, product homogeneity is very serious. Under the premise that the basic formula of the product and the budget of the investor's project allow it, it is possible to consider the development and creation of a new product that is different from the dosage form of similar products in the market. Add points to your own products with personalized and differentiated dosage forms that are different from most existing products.


Tablet health care supplements OEM

Tablets, powders, granules, how to position the dosage forms of OEM health care products?

1. For medicinal and food products with bad taste and smell, try to avoid using prepared food dosage forms, namely powder and granules, and choose tablets that are mainly swallowed to avoid the shortcomings of taste.

2. For formulas that need to be prepared for drinking and have strong plasticity in terms of taste, you can refer to the solubility requirements and choose powder, soluble granules or instant granules for processing.

In the processing of health care products, most investors will prepare the primary positioning of the dosage form in advance, that is to say, they have a relatively clear direction for product creation. If the formulation ingredients and dosage forms are more suitable, the program is easier to implement. Otherwise, it is necessary to seek help from professional food production enterprises for taste adjustment or special techniques.


Granule health care supplements OEM

The main purpose of the dosage form positioning of health care products processing products is to make the products meet the premise of good storage, carrying and eating convenience, not only meet the market demand, increase selling points, but also meet the taste preferences of people's daily diet.

For OEM processing of health care products, whether you choose tablets, powders or granules, the product dosage form must be determined around the consumer group, product quality and market demand. Do not over-design the dosage form, let alone abuse the process, the loss outweighs the gain!

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