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What supplement manufacturers must know about supplements for children

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-10-23 15:02:58

Everyone knows that children's growth and development cannot be separated from various nutrients. Generally, they need to obtain them from food, but in fact they are often not satisfactory. Now more and more children are going to the hospital. After testing, most of the virus infections and resistance Poor strength, lack of necessary vitamins, etc. Why is this happening?

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Because in our current environment, it is difficult to provide a variety of nutritious vegetables, fruits and other foods. Even if we can provide them, they are far from meeting the requirements. Furthermore, parents’ lack of knowledge about children’s growth and development results in their failure to keep up with nutrition, so supplements for children are very important. As a manufacturer that can produce a variety of supplements for children, you must do the following:

1. Ensure the safety of supplement ingredients

This is the most basic source safety packaging. We all know that the extracts of a qualified supplement product are obtained from raw materials. This must ensure that the raw materials are safe. Raw materials for children must be green and non-toxic. Contaminated high quality ingredients so that supplements for children will be the highest quality supplements. To ensure the health and safety of children.

2. The nutritional content of supplements should be met

The nutritional content of supplements is generally stated on the packaging bag or bottle. The content of nutrients in each gram of supplements should at least meet the national standards, but it should not exceed too high. After all, the nutritional content of each supplement should not be too high. There is a limit to the number of grams you can take per day.

3. Supplements should be easily digestible

Children's digestive systems are developing and perfecting, and the digestive system is very fragile. Therefore, supplement manufacturers produce supplements for children that are soft and easy to digest, so that the supplements can be fully absorbed.

4. Supplements look good

Children's imagination is rich and unconstrained. They like colorful life and colorful things. Therefore, if supplement manufacturers can take into account that this is the nature of children and produce beautiful and colorful supplements for children Supplements, with these color combinations, can arouse children's appetite and are more conducive to children's absorption.

5.Special nutrients must be sold on the market

For example, va, vd, ve, vk, calcium, magnesium, zinc, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. These are generally necessary for children's bodies. Supplements for children produced by supplement manufacturers should have These nutrients, some supplement manufacturers may produce a single supplement, these are not a problem, there are thousands of supplement manufacturers on the market, these necessary supplements will be met.

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How much do supplements for children cost?

It is difficult to have a unified standard for this, but you can have a reference. Compared with adults, the manufacturing cost of supplements for children is much higher. Supplement manufacturers consider not just simple supplements, but high-quality supplements for children. agent.

1.High quality raw materials

There is no doubt that supplements for children are produced from the best ingredients, and this is the fundamental responsibility of every supplement manufacturer.

2. High quality manufacturing process

Due to the special physique of children, high standards for children are strictly implemented in both the production and extraction technology and the manufacturing process of supplements. For example, gummies and capsules have a very high level of manufacturing technology. For children, their manufacturing process technology will be strengthened.

3. High quality packaging

The packaging here is not only beautiful, but more importantly, it must be safe and not cause secondary pollution. Children are easy to chew the packaging. The production materials of the packaging must ensure that there are no safety hazards.

To sum up, these are all hidden costs, so it is difficult to make a conclusion when talking about the manufacturing price of supplements. We can only infer what level the manufacturing price is based on the price on the market.

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