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What are special dietary supplement?

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-12-02 19:39:39

What does special dietary supplement mean? It is a category between ordinary food and blue hat health food. It is supplementspecially processed or formulated for special physiological or physical conditions. As the sports nutrition food industry gradually heats up in the special diet OEM industry, OEM projects for tablets, powders, granules and other related dosage forms are beginning to attract attention.


​ Looking at special dietary foods from the perspective of food manufacturers:

1. Reflection of production qualifications: Whether the factory has relevant production qualifications, just check whether there is "special dietary food" in the "Food and Food Additive Category" in the "Production License Detailed List". If there is such content, the subsequent "Category Name" and "Variety Details" will specifically reflect which type of corresponding special meal OEM cooperation the factory can engage in.

2. Different categories: ordinary food, special dietary food, and health food are the three main branches of the food processing industry. OEM projects for tableted candies, solid drinks, substitute teas and other products are commissioned for Shizihao products; health food products with separate batch numbers and blue hat logos are commissioned for Jianzihao projects; special meal OEM qualifications are similar to Shizihao. The product strictness is close to that of Jianzihao’s commissioned projects.

3. Special dietary classification: Appendix A of GB 13432 clarifies that foods for special dietary purposes include infant formula, supplementary food for infants, formula foods for special medical purposes (except for the varieties involved in infant formula foods for special medical purposes), and supplementary nutritional supplements , sports nutrition foods and other special dietary foods with corresponding national standards.

What are the requirements for labeling special dietary supplement?

The labels of prepackaged special dietary foods should comply with the basic requirements stipulated in the "National Food Safety Standards for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods" (GB 7718-2011), and should also meet the following requirements:

1. It should not involve disease prevention and treatment functions;

2. It should comply with the relevant provisions on labels and instructions in the corresponding product standards for prepackaged special dietary foods;

3. Content claims and function claims should not be made on essential ingredients in formula supplement for infants aged 0 to 6 months.

There are other requirements in the "National Food Safety Standard for Labeling of Prepackaged Special Dietary supplement" (GB 13432-2013):

1. Food name: Only foods that meet the definition of food for special dietary use in the standard can use "food for special dietary use" or a corresponding name describing the particularity of the product in the name.

2. Energy or nutrient content: The labeled value of energy or nutrient content can be obtained through product testing or raw material calculation.

3. Consumption methods and applicable groups: The consumption method, daily or per meal consumption of prepackaged special dietary foods should be marked, and the preparation method or rehydration method should be marked if necessary; the prepackaged special dietary foods should be marked. people suitble. For infant formulas for special medical purposes and formulas for special medical purposes, the suitable groups should be labeled according to product standards.

In addition to the above three items, it also includes storage conditions, exemptions for labeling content, etc.

The difference between special dietary food and ordinary food and health supplement makes it difficult to find a factory for special dietary supplement OEM. The qualifications are similar to those of Shi brand OEM processing, while the product testing is similar to that of Jian brand OEM processing. Therefore, be sure to choose a strong source manufacturer to cooperate with!

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