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Professional customized maca tablet manufacturing and processing

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-11-10 18:09:50

The customized production of male nutrition products mainly focuses on raw powder, extract or active small molecule peptide tableting projects with the same source of medicine and food as the main ingredients. The source of health food manufacturers, through complete dosage forms, packaging and formula supporting services, can provide professional maca tablet manufacturing and processing services to customers with product needs in various places, and at the same time support OEM cooperation with their own brands.


Professional maca tablet manufacturing and processing factory customized production project

1. Dosage form customization: The shape and weight of food tablet products can be flexibly designed within a reasonable range. Mainly consider factors such as whether it is convenient to eat, whether the content of active ingredients is balanced, and whether it meets the carrying and storage conditions. Source manufacturers usually have a variety of ready-made tableting molds such as round, oval, olive-shaped, etc., and also support customers to customize stamping molds with brand LOGO or brand patterns based on factory production equipment.

2. Customized coating: Oyster tablets, ginseng and cordyceps tablets, and maca tablets are manufactured and processed. Since the smell and taste of the raw materials themselves do not have advantages in terms of consumption, their products are mostly processed by film coating processes. On the one hand, it improves the appearance of the product, and on the other hand, it can effectively prevent powder from falling off and cover up bad odors. The color of coated tablets can be flexibly customized by customers according to their needs.

3. Packaging customization: Professional maca tablet manufacturing and processing. The processing factory supports a variety of inner packaging solutions such as aluminum foil bags, blister press plates, packaging bottles, etc. The outer box can choose ordinary white cardboard boxes, craft gift boxes, and metal boxes. wait. In addition, some high-end products can also choose single-piece acrylic buckles, single-piece independent blister packaging, etc.

4. Formula customization: The formula composition of oyster slices, Maca and other tableted candy products with the same source of medicine and food determines the cost of product creation and the target group for them. Professional maca tablet OEM manufacturers can provide complete formula preparation work and provide customers with sample products for reference within 3-7 days.

Frequently asked questions about customized production of male nutrition products:

1. The investor’s own formula has ingredients that do not meet the category of medicine and food, and cannot establish a formal cooperative relationship with the processing factory.

2. The customer wants to conduct small batch production through the processing plant to conduct market testing. However, the order volume is far from the minimum order quantity of tablet processing manufacturers.

3. Investors have the advantage of supplying raw materials for some categories of formulas. They need tablet processing manufacturers to support regular processing of incoming materials and provide raw material purchasing services.

4. The customer does not have the formula and needs to choose the factory’s mature formula, or choose the finished product from the processing factory for maca tablet OEM cooperation. However, the sample formula of the product needs to be adjusted to make it more consistent with your own product customization.

A professional maca tablet manufacturing and processing manufacturer. According to different customer needs, we provide full agency services from formula review and deployment, product dosage form design and creation, outer packaging style positioning and copywriting design. In addition, we provide nationwide purchasing of high-quality raw materials, as well as agency applications for food brands and brand qualifications. Therefore, if investors have a clearer product customization plan and have a business license, they can contact the source manufacturer for information cooperation.

A professional maca tablet manufacturing and processing enterprise, focusing on the research and development, production and OEM of medicinal and edible products. It has original powder, extract, small molecule peptide tableting candy OEM customization mature technology and equipment, and is China's largest export food Customized supplement manufacturer of male nutritional products with production qualifications.

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