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Probiotic powder beverage manufacturing and processing price

Author:pesicon  Release time:2024-02-26 14:54:53

Customers often ask about the price of probiotic powder beverage manufacturing. This is a question often asked by dietary supplement manufacturers. Without a specific product and order as a background, it is difficult for merchants to give an accurate quotation. Even the processing cost accounting plan cannot be determined. This is not only true for powder manufacturing commissioned production, but also for probiotic manufacturing and processing projects.


How much does it cost to manufacture and process probiotic powder?

We calculate based on the simple bagging cost of a bar bag solid beverage manufacturing project that just meets 10 bags, and the processing fee is about 15,000. However, this processing fee is only part of the budget of the entire probiotic powder manufacturing OEM project. In addition, there are other process costs that will be calculated into the quotation details, as follows:

1. Outer packaging: The outer packaging process of solid beverages in bar bags, including cartoning (canning), inkjet coding, film sealing, etc.

2. Design source files: source files used for the inner and outer packaging of the product. If the factory is an agent, the cost will also be included in the calculation.

3. Material cost: procurement of raw materials (main ingredient, usually probiotic freeze-dried powder), procurement of aluminum foil coils, outer packaging and processing.

4. Use of excipients: The cost accounting for excipients mainly depends on the usage. If the cost needs to be calculated, the probiotic powder beverage manufacturer will explain the situation in detail.

5. Product testing: three-party testing of product nutritional ingredients, etc.

The above items basically constitute the cost items for solid beverage manufacturing to calculate the OEM production of probiotic powder beverages. However, from the perspective of the entire project budget, you also need to include the costs incurred for transportation and distribution of various raw materials, packaging, samples, etc. into the product cost.

Sample price during the manufacturing and processing of probiotic powder beverages

In the production and manufacturing of probiotic solid drinks, product sampling experiments are one of the necessary links. Manufacturing companies need to test your customized product through sample experiments to determine its solubility, taste, color, including the specific size specifications of the strip aluminum foil bag and the outer packaging size. There will be two situations for the cost of this link: one is to sign a formal probiotic powder beverage production and manufacturing contract later, and the sampling fee is offset by the corresponding amount of processing fees; the other is to only make samples and not put into production due to various reasons. , in this case, the factory will charge a certain sample cost, usually around $70 (except for instant granulation).

To calculate the manufacturing price of probiotic powder beverages, solid beverage OEMs need to comprehensively consider factors such as product formula composition, customization quantity, and material supply mode, and then determine the core price plan and specific quotation.

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