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Please be careful about the 5 contraindications of lutein

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-07-24 14:30:06

Lutein is a macular pigment that aggregates in the human retina.

They cannot be synthesized in mammals and must be obtained from the diet, then distributed to various tissues, especially the retina, and have the following physiological functions:

The most important antioxidant component in the macular part of the retina (the most essential area that produces vision), which can inhibit the free radicals formed during the photosensitive process

Form macular pigment, filter harmful short-wave blue light (can absorb 40% to 90% of incoming blue light)

Improve visual function (by reducing chromatic aberration and improving color contrast), improve glare disability and light stimulation recovery period.


Does Lutein Have Any Side Effects?

In the known scientific literature, moderate use of lutein is extremely safe. In the 5-year AREDS2 large-scale study, with a daily dose of 10 mg, no toxicity or adverse reactions have been found in taking Lutein and zeaxanthin.

The only confirmed side effect is yellowing of the skin on the hands and feet (caused by long-term high-dose or overdose, also known as caroteneemia). thought it was jaundice

And caroteneemia is harmless to the human body. As long as the intake is reduced, the yellowing of the skin will gradually disappear, so there is no need to worry too much.


Safety Precautions (5 points of taboos)

1. The safety of using lutein during pregnancy and lactation is unknown, so it is recommended to consume more fruits and vegetables

2. Patients with cystic fibrosis often cannot absorb carotenoids in food or supplements, so be careful when using lutein products

3. Concomitant consumption of snacks containing alternative fats (Olestra) or use of other carotenoid supplements may reduce lutein absorption.

4. A case study found that a woman with glaucoma had long-term intake of lutein (20 mg daily for 8 years, combined with a high-lutein diet), resulting in retinal crystal deposits (crystal deposits) , and this phenomenon did not affect the patient's vision, and the crystals have partially disappeared after stopping the use.

5. Smokers who take high-dose lutein supplements (daily dose greater than 10 mg) may be associated with a higher risk of lung cancer, so caution should be taken before use.

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