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How much does the prebiotic tablet weigh in grams?

Author:pesicon  Release time:2023-06-27 14:47:03

How much does the prebiotic tablet weigh in grams, and how to choose the packaging specification for commissioned production?

The weight of a prebiotic tablet is generally about 0.15 to 4 grams per tablet. Customers often encounter such problems when choosing packaging specifications for entrusted production. Determining the dosage form and weight of compressed candies will help OEM OEM factories to calculate the amount of raw materials in advance to calculate the budget cost, and at the same time can fully guarantee the nutritional content of the product effectiveness.

prebiotic tablet weigh in grams

How much does a prebiotic tablet weigh in grams?

1. Relevant regulations. Prebiotic tablet candy is a health food. It is processed from main ingredients such as fructooligosaccharide and stachyose. The difference in tablet weight directly affects the accuracy of dosage. Manufacturers generally accept about 0.15 to 4 grams, and can also be customized according to specific needs of customers. custom made. If you refer to the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia", when the average weight is less than 0.30 grams, the weight difference limit is ±7.5%, and the control range of 0.30 g or more is 5%.

2. Tablet type. The weight of compressed candy tablets also has a certain relationship with its type. According to their eating methods, they can be divided into chewable tablets, drinking tablets, buccal tablets, effervescent tablets and other types. Chewable tablets are directly chewed and eaten, so the weight of the tablet is relatively flexible, and each tablet is usually 0.5 to 2 grams. Pieces need to be swallowed, so the specification should not be too large, generally between 0.15-0.8 grams. Lozenges are similar to chewable tablets. Effervescent tablets are a new type of tablet. A large amount of disintegrants need to be added during the processing, with a weight of about 1 to 4 grams. In addition, before packaging sugar-coated tablets and enteric-coated tablets, the weight difference of the core should be checked to meet the requirements. Film coated.

3. Production process. As a tablet product made by mixing a variety of medicinal and edible Chinese herbal medicines with similar properties and excipients, the factory uses a tablet press, and the required raw materials must have the characteristics of fluidity, compression formability and lubricity, so that The particles can flow and fill in the membrane pores and channels, and at the same time, it has a certain viscosity under the premise of maintaining lubrication and cleanliness, so as to prevent the cracks from falling off and affect the weight. Therefore, excipients and binders are often added to compressed candy, so its weight is not equal to the content of active ingredients. The processing factory weighs it precisely to check whether the content uniformity and weight difference are within reasonable limits, so as to fully ensure food quality and safety.

prebiotic tablet weigh in grams

how to choose the packaging specification for commissioned production?

The selection of packaging specifications for commissioned production is based on various factors such as tablet characteristics, cost, and design scheme.

1. Tablet characteristics. For products that are easy to volatilize and decompose, such as vitamin C effervescent tablets, special attention should be paid to controlling the temperature and humidity of the environment during storage to avoid losses. Generally, they will be packed into effervescent tablet tubes with desiccant, coil springs and anti-theft rings storage. Some tablets need to be stored away from light, and manufacturers often use clean and dry tan dark bottle packaging. For powder that is easy to fall off, it should be coated, or placed in a blister for isolated storage, to avoid collision and friction and reduce loss.

2. The cost is high or low. The procurement costs of packaging materials of different materials such as ceramics, glass, bronzing, and acrylic vary from high to low.

3. Design plan. Some entrusted companies or individual industrial and commercial households actively respond to the concept of green environmental protection, and will use environmentally friendly materials and minimize invalid packaging.

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