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Production process of tablet supplement manufacturers

Author:zhangxia  Release time:2024-09-14 17:08:31

The manufacturing of tablet supplements involves a series of intricate steps to ensure that each product is effective, safe, and of high quality. This process includes several key stages: pulverization, sterilization, raw material testing, weighing, mixing, sieving, granulation, rounding, drying, tableting, and coating. Here’s a detailed overview of each stage:


1. Pulverization

The first step in the tablet supplement manufacturing process is pulverization. This involves breaking down raw materials, such as herbs, vitamins, or minerals, into a fine powder. Pulverization is crucial as it increases the surface area of the ingredients, allowing for better mixing and uniformity in the final product. Advanced milling equipment is used to achieve the desired particle size, ensuring consistency and efficacy in the supplements.

2. Sterilization

Sterilization is a critical step to prevent microbial contamination and ensure the safety of the tablet supplements. The raw materials and equipment used in the manufacturing process are subjected to high-temperature steam or chemical sterilization methods. This process eliminates bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that could compromise the quality of the supplements.

3. Raw Material Testing

Before any manufacturing begins, raw materials undergo rigorous testing to verify their identity, potency, and purity. This step is vital for ensuring that only high-quality ingredients are used. Testing methods may include chemical assays, microbiological tests, and physical inspections. The results of these tests determine whether the materials are suitable for production.

4. Weighing

Accurate weighing of raw materials is essential for the consistency and quality of the final product. Each ingredient is measured precisely according to the formula specifications. Advanced electronic scales and balances are employed to ensure accuracy, as even slight deviations in ingredient quantities can affect the effectiveness and safety of the supplements.

5. Mixing

Once the ingredients are weighed, they are combined in a mixing process. This step involves blending the various powders to achieve a homogeneous mixture. Uniform mixing is crucial to ensure that each tablet contains the correct dosage of each ingredient. High-shear mixers or blenders are typically used to achieve a consistent blend.

6. Sieving

The mixed powder is then sieved to remove any oversized particles or impurities. Sieving helps in achieving a finer and more uniform particle size, which is important for the next stages of granulation and tableting. This step also improves the flow properties of the powder, facilitating better processing in subsequent stages.

7. Granulation

Granulation transforms the fine powder into granules, which are easier to compress into tablets. This process often involves adding a binding agent to the powder to form a cohesive mass. The mass is then processed through a granulator to produce granules of a desired size. Granulation improves the flow and compressibility of the powder, ensuring consistent tablet quality.

8. Rounding

The granules are rounded to achieve a uniform size and shape, which aids in the subsequent compression process. Rounding improves the flow properties of the granules and ensures that they compress evenly, leading to tablets with consistent hardness and dissolution properties.

9. Drying

After granulation and rounding, the granules are dried to remove any excess moisture. Drying is crucial to prevent the formation of unwanted clumps and ensure that the granules have the right consistency for compression. This step is typically carried out using fluidized bed dryers or other controlled drying equipment.

10. Tableting

In the tableting stage, the dried granules are compressed into tablets using a tablet press. This process involves applying pressure to the granules to form tablets of specific sizes and shapes. The tablet press ensures that each tablet has the correct weight, hardness, and disintegration characteristics. The quality of the tablets is rigorously tested to meet predefined standards.

11. Coating

The final step in the manufacturing process is coating. Coating is applied to tablets to enhance their appearance, protect the active ingredients, and improve their taste or ease of swallowing. Various coating techniques are used, such as film coating or sugar coating. The coating material is carefully applied to ensure a smooth, uniform layer on each tablet.


The production process of tablet supplement manufacturers ensures the safety, effectiveness, and quality of the final product. From pulverization to coating, each step plays a crucial role in delivering high-quality supplements that meet regulatory standards and consumer expectations. The meticulous attention to detail in each stage underscores the importance of precision and consistency in the manufacturing of dietary supplements.

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